Designer Handbags are one of women’s ultimate fashion accessories. They are beyond utility. Instead, they make a bold statement about its owner. At gatherings and public places, eyes gravitate towards a familiar design or monogram. Americans, rich and poor alike, embrace the status symbol of high luxury.

The popularity of designer bags has led an explosive growth in the replica market. While authentic merchandise command $500-mid $1000s, replicas deliver the pride of owning an ornament associated with social prestige at a huge fraction of the price.

The production of replica goods has improved over the last decade partly due to demand and high-precision machinery. The quality of knockoffs can range from an obvious replica to almost identical. The upper end of the replica scale can fetch up to 20% of the price of an authentic article.

In 2006, a court battle between eBay and LVMH revealed that 9 out of 10 designer goods sold at the auction site were fakes and most buyers could not tell the difference.

Interestingly, subtle social cues may identify if a product is genuine or fake. If the carrier looks the part of a wealthy individual, he or she could get away with using a replica. Cues include expensive attire, posture, cleanliness and so forth.